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Meet Zandra

Your Abundant Life Coach

Zandra is a mom, attorney, entrepreneur, life coach, and prophet, raising a company of uniquely extraordinary leaders set apart for the Glory of God in the marketplace.
Christ, the Hope of Glory, is the source of my ambition. Prosperity is merely a byproduct of purpose.


Indeed, "a diligent hand maketh rich."


However, ambition rooted in monetary riches alone is neither profitable nor sustainable.  There is a deep belief inside me that God with me is the source of my success, and this mindset gives me access to the Kingdom of God's commonwealth, resulting in an impartation of actionable vision time and time again, and you can have this too.  


You see, this commonwealth goes far beyond tangible assets to the very wisdom of God. With your permission, I help you to acquire such wealth.
Women of God, you have spiritual gifts that are to be harnessed and used for God's glory. To flourish in all areas of life and thrive and excel in the marketplace,  I want to invite you to partner with me as your coach.


Because you want to see a transformation in your family, community, and the world at large, it is essential for you to train and embody the expression of leadership that is set apart for God's Glory.


Are you ready to go beyond what you currently see as possible to become a Uniquely Extraordinary Leader? 

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"What I get from being with her and sisters-in-Christ is the ability to be free in exploring where I am at and sharing it with loved ones. She's definitely doing her part in fulfilling The Great Commission.”

Thuy Nguyen

"Zandra’s integrity and obedience to God’s purpose in her life reflect on how God uses her to transform the lives of those she touches.”

Merary Simeon

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